Lady DarkFire (806815)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (183 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

EyeScapes Contacts
Published Dec 7, 2006
About Me
I'm a hopeless dreamer. I often sit in fascinated reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of my mind hour upon hour. Simply sitting in a chair and looking in the distance; that really sums up my entire life
My Latest Updates Show All
In regards to the Food files...Written Dec 04, 2009
To the valued visitors, a few may notice that my food files don't work with the current expansion packs. Your Sims may go to the fridge and open the door but simply stop at that point. Or perhaps they reach the fridge and no options or many appear at all. Unfortunately my food files are not up to date after the Nightlife EP. It's been a very long time since I've set foot into the area of... ...More
It's a New YearWritten Jan 09, 2009
Hope that your new year is filled with wonderful surprises and plenty of success! Even though I had wanted to get back to creating I can't seem to draw away from playing World of Warcraft. It's an amazing MMO with a zany community. Which isn't to that I've given up on Sims. One day I'll get that creating bug again. Until then though it's a wild downloading spree for me! Anyways, here's to an... ...More
Epic JourneyWritten Nov 04, 2008
Hi guys, it's been a long time since my last update. IRL matters have always taken priority over games and unfortunately it meant giving up Sims 2 for a while. Thankfully things have finally cleared up! I have a ton to catch up on in the Sims world. Heck, I have a lot of stuff packs and expansions to purchase. Gah! (>. At any rate it'll be pretty fun making the trek back. When I first... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
BloodRage90Apr 07, 2012
You make the best food! lol =)
Snoopy21979Feb 16, 2012
Your creations are so awesome!! I can't wait to download them for my game! Thanks so much for sharing them! I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful downloads in the future.
angie12357Dec 29, 2009
I love your creations keep up the good work